EIC FELLOW  (2005)


Clifton A. Shook – nominated by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering

Clifton Shook obtained his Bachelors degree from the University of Alberta in Chemical Engineering and a PhD from the University of London. He spent his teaching career at the University of Saskatchewan as Professor of Chemical Engineering. He is now a consultant to governmental and international agencies, and an advisor to numerous Canadian companies in the field of slurry transport. Dr. Shook is internationally recognized as a leader in slurry transport.Research that was led by him at the Saskatchewan Research Council has twice revolutionized the oil sand industry; first through the study of dense tailings slurry transport, and secondly through the development of oil sand hydro transport technology. He helped develop the SRC Two Layer Model, the first of its kind to predict pipeline friction losses and deposition velocities for high density, coarse particle flow. This represented a quantum leap from existing versions that were based on empirical correlations. Companies throughout the world now use the Two Layer Model to design, build and operate slurry pipelines. The economic impact of this can easily be appreciated. Today the three oil sand mining companies in Canada transport about 35,000 tones of oil sand per hour using hydro transport technology.

Dr. Shook has worked with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, CIDA, the Department of Energy and the International Energy Council. He is a permanent member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Transport and Sedimentation of Solid Particles, sharing his expertise worldwide on a continuing basis. He continues as Chief Advisor to the University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Research Council in finding application for research in slurry and non-Newtonian flow, with much of benefit to the heavy oil and oil sands industry.

Ultimately, his most profound effect on Canadian Chemical Engineering may be through the students and engineers who have learned from his superlative lectures. His lectures and labs still remain crystallized in memory “due to the energy, excitement and interest he brought to the topic of fluid flow and dynamics.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the EIC honoured to present this outstanding engineer as Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada>

Madam President- Dr. Clifton A. Shook

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